Summary Background

Message from the Executive Director

I am pleased to present LEAD – Linking Economic Assets for Development, which is the federally mandated Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) for the Capital Region Planning Commission (CRPC). This document represents our collective thoughts, goals and objectives forming the basis for a regional economic vision for CRPC’s eleven parishes.

The process of developing a CEDS affords the opportunity to build regional leadership and collaboration, and to foster public support and enthusiasm. The 2019 CEDS planning process brought together a diverse set of stakeholders to participate in a SWOT analysis and to consider key economic issues and goals for the region.

This update builds on a solid foundation of shared knowledge and experience gained through previous regional planning efforts that include: CRPC’s 2014 CEDS, the CRPC Long Range Metropolitan Transportation Plan MOVE2042 (2017), Baton Rouge Chamber of Commerce’s (BRAC) Annual Reports, and the BRAC led CRISIS Mobility Report (2017). CRPC leveraged these recent planning documents by incorporating goals and objectives where appropriate and by utilizing and normalizing data for regional growth and development trends. The base data used to form LEAD leaned heavily on data and analysis developed for the Baton Rouge urbanized area in the MOVE2042 planning process.

With LEAD, CRPC linked two federally mandated regional plans the US Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA) CEDS and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). In this way, points of collaboration were identified especially in the areas of regional freight mobility, transportation resilience and workforce transportation. By developing complementary regional strategies, we can address solutions in a multidisciplinary framework.

LEAD was developed with thoughtful and enhanced stakeholder engagement. CRPC is committed to seeking input from diverse public and private stakeholders to ensure a wellrounded and vetted product. CRPC intends to continue regular stakeholder engagement to track progress on LEAD and update its goals and strategies as priorities and conditions change. I personally want to thank all of the individuals and groups that participated in the development of LEAD. I know that your valuable input and consideration has made for a better regional vision. Your continued participation will allow us to collaboratively improve the prosperity of the Capital Region.

–  James C. Setze, Executive Director

James C. Setze, Executive Director


We wish to express gratitude to the Economic Development Administration for their guidance and funding assistance to the project.




This document was prepared with funding from the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration (EDA)

Address inquiries regarding this publication to:

Capital Region Planning Commission

14734 S Harrell’s Ferry Rd, Ste B

Baton Rouge, LA 70816


Tel: (225)383-5203

Fax: (225)383-3804